I am delighted to send my best wishes to all the staff and students at Gybon from my home in Lytham, England.
Usually at this time of year I am looking forward to my annual visit to Gybon. It is always a pleasure to teach a number of English lessons at the school. The standard of English of students of all ages is always impressively high and I am warmly welcomed by Jan Šterba and all the teachers.
This year because of the Covid 19 pandemic my visit will have to wait until the autumn. At that time too I hope that it will be possible to have the presentation for 2020 travel awards.
The British Ambassador in Prague, Nick Archer, has told me that this will be a priority in his diary and he will present the prizes to the three winners, Heřman Dušek, Eliška Saifrtová and Magdaléna Poleňhová, and certificates of achievement to all the entrants.
I am glad to hear that Gybon has reopened in part for the maturitá students and send my good wishes to them in particular for every success at this stressful time.
Stay safe and be strong, everyone !
Julian Wilde
2020 marks twenty six years of unbroken partnership between the Lytham Schools ( now AKS, Lytham ) and the Gymnázium Boženy Nĕmcové (Gybon) in Hradec Králové, the principal city of eastern Bohemia in the Czech Republic.
For all this time this partnership has been the only one between senior schools in the UK and the Czech Republic.
In October 2019 Lytham students travelled to the
International Science Seminar in Hradec Králové which has taken place annually since 1997. AKS will host the seminar in Lytham in the autumn of 2020.
In 2020 three Gybon students will travel to the UK as winners of travel scholarships, funded principally by former Lytham staff.
The first prize for the travel competition will be 15,000 Czech Crowns. There will be two second prizes of 7500 Crowns each.
The awards are a gift from former staff of King Edward and Queen Mary School, Lytham to celebrate 25 years of partnership with Gymnázium Boženy Nĕmcové.
The competition is open to all students at Gybon in the academic year 2019/20, including maturita students
The aim of the competition is to enable the winner to travel to England/the UK any time between March and September 2020, and to speak, listen to and understand English there.
The judging panel will be four former teachers from King Edward and Queen Mary School (two men, two women), together with Mr. Julian Wilde, former Principal.
The name of the winners will be announced on March 16th 2020
Den 8. 11. 2019 můžeme nazvat slavnostním. Otevírají se brány již 4.
ročníku soutěže TRAVEL AWARDS vyhlašované pravidelně našimi anglickými přáteli z partnerské školy v Lythemu St. Annes.
Autoři 3 nejlepších projektů o své cestě do Velké Británie dostanou nemalé finanční částky na jejich realizaci.
Jste-li odvážní, samostatní a předložíte-li zajímavý itinerář cesty, máte příležitost, která se opakuje vždy po třech letech.
Přeji hodně inspirace a štěstí.
My thanks to Jan Šterba, the staff and students at Gybon for making my recent visit so memorable.
Especial thanks to Pavel Adámek who made all the arrangements for my five day visit and to Ludĕk Absolon and his hard-working department for their warm welcome.
I very much enjoyed the opportunity to teach English to nine of the classes, and was very much impressed, as in previous years, by the enthusiasm, attentiveness and high academic standard of the students.
I tried hard to explain to everyone what the UK will do now about Brexit, but the answer remains “Nobody knows”!
It is 25 years now since my visit to Gybon, at the invitation of Vladislav Král in 1994. It was excellent to see that Gybon continues to thrive and that the good behaviour of students and the friendly atmosphere in the school is exactly the same.
It was very interesting also to visit the castle at Kost for the first time and to have such comfortable accommodation at the Hotel pod vĕži where Mr. Vacek and his staff made me very welcome.
I look forward now 2020 when there will be the fourth travel competition for Gybon students, enabling three prize winners to travel to England.
Details will be published in September.
My best wishes to all teachers and students for your summer holidays soon!
Minulý týden proběhl v německém Würzburku již 22. ročník mezinárodního semináře zaměřeného na přírodní vědy s názvem International Seminar of Science (ISS), který je svojí historií a charakterem v celosvětovém měřítku zcela unikátní.
Komise angličtiny by ráda studentům nabídla zájezd v termínu 26.-30.11. 2018, který bude zaměřený na poznání vánočního Londýna. Cena je 5700,-. Více informací na FB školy nebo u učitelů angličtiny. Případní zájemci se mohou hlásit v kabinetě anglického jazyka vedle učebny Hv.
My thanks to Jan Šterba, the staff and students at Gybon
for making my recent visit so memorable.
I very much enjoyed the opportunity to teach some of the
English classes, and was very much impressed, as in
previous years, by the high academic standard of the
Especial thanks to Pavel Adámek who made all the arrangements for my five day visit
and to Ludĕk Absolon and his hard-working department for their warm welcome.
This was my 15th visit to Gybon and it was
excellent to see that the school is doing so well and
to experience the friendly atmosphere once again.
It was very good also to make my third ascent of Snĕžka and to have such comfortable
accommodation at the Hotel pod Vĕži.
Thank you and best wishes to all teachers and students for the summer holidays soon!
Soutěž HAVRAN se konala 27. března 2018 v Pardubicích a naši studenti přivezli sedm medailí.
V kategoriích anglického jazyka soutěže Havran získali studenti 3. A krásné třetí místo ve velké konkurenci pěveckých vystoupení skupin nad 15 let, Jiří Řezníček (6.B) získal v sólové kategorii druhé místo a úžasné první místo obsadili opět studenti 3.A v dramatickém výstupu nad 15 let.
Němčináři bodovali v kategorii zpěv skupin nad 15 let – Tereza Kinská (5.A) a Jiří Řezníček získali 1. místo, v sólové pěvecké kategorii ještě jednou zvítězil Jiří Řezníček a druhé místo obsadila Adéla Šormová (2.A). V dramatické kategorii nad 15 let obsadila skupina německého divadla 1. místo.
Gratulujeme ke krásným výsledkům a všem děkujeme
Mladá fronta včera - Školní bulvár
Všechna práva vyhrazena. Web vytvořil Dominik Žilka jako svoji maturitní práci v roce 2014.