Gymnázium Boženy Němcové

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Gymnázium Boženy Němcové > Aktuality > RESULTS OF THE 2020 TRAVEL AWARD COMPETITION


Autor: admin | Publikováno 16. 3. 2020 000 12:08 | Kategorie: Aktuality

1st      HEŘMAN DUŠEK   visit to Manchester (17,000 Kč)

2nd   ELIŠKA SAIFRTOVÁ    visit to Glasgow and Edinburgh (10,000 Kč)
      MAGDALÉNA POLEHŇOVÁ  visit to London, Stonehenge and coast (10,000 Kč)
The five judges had a difficult but enjoyable task to choose between 23 well-written and carefully researched  entries with a wide range of ideas.  The judges hope that all the younger competitors will try again for the Awards in 2023/24.

In view of the coronavirus pandemic the winners can now take up their prize and undertake their journey at any time in 2020 or 2021.

The prize money will be held in  the Gybon bank account  and the winners can apply to Headmaster Jan Šterba for their prize when travel to the UK is possible again.
It is hoped that  the Awards Ceremony where the British Ambassador in Prague Nick Archer, will present certificates of achievement to all the competitors can go ahead on May 28. If not, the ceremony will take place in September.

The judges send their thanks and congratulations to all the competitors for their interest and enthusiasm and to all the members of the English Department for their support for the students.

Special thanks are due to Pavel Adámek for all his hard work in organising the competition at Gybon.

The next competition will be announced in September 2023.

                                                                                                                                           Julian Wilde


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Všechna práva vyhrazena. Web vytvořil Dominik Žilka jako svoji maturitní práci v roce 2014.