Gymnázium Boženy Němcové

co je nového na Gybonu

Gymnázium Boženy Němcové > Aktuality > POZDRAVY Z LYTHAMU


Autor: admin | Publikováno 23. 9. 2020 000 10:19 | Kategorie: Aktuality

The presentation ceremony for the Travel Awards Competition has now been rearranged for May 2021. The British Ambassador in Prague, Nick Archer, has confirmed that he remains very keen to visit Gybon to present the prizes to Heřman Dušek, Magdaléna Polehňová and Eliška Saifrtová,  as well as certificates of achievement to all students who entered the competition.

I am disappointed the current pandemic has prevented from travelling to Hradec Králové this year and it has also not been possible for the travel award  winners to travel to the UK where we have many new restrictions this autumn.

However I hope that the winners will be able to undertake their chosen journeys in the UK  next summer and that they will gain special enjoyment from their visit after such a difficult year worldwide.

Instead of visiting the beautiful Krkonoše region this year – one of my favourite places –  I have recently been to Wales for a few days and claimed four summits for the Czech Republic !

I send my best wishes to Mr. Šterba, his staff, his students and their families at this very demanding time for you all – stay safe and be strong.

Julian Wilde

Škola je příspěvkovou organizací Královéhradeckého kraje Královéhradecký kraj

Mladá fronta včera - Školní bulvár

Všechna práva vyhrazena. Web vytvořil Dominik Žilka jako svoji maturitní práci v roce 2014.