Gymnázium Boženy Němcové

co je nového na Gybonu

Gymnázium Boženy Němcové > Aktuality > Travel Award Update

Travel Award Update

Autor: admin | Publikováno 26. 12. 2016 000 15:52 | Kategorie: Aktuality

I am delighted to send my best wishes to students at Gybon and to their English teachers in particular.

I hope that many of the students have been thinking hard about preparing an entry for the Travel Award Competition.

It is certainly a big challenge to think of a suitable idea and then to put together a strong entry. I know from the competitions in 2011 and 2014 and from my own visits to Gybon that students will show a very high standard of English.

However the prizes are well worth winning – a first prize of 12,000 Crowns and two second prizes of 6000 Crowns. It is important to read the rules of competition carefully, but students are not on their own.
Their English teacher will be happy to offer help and advice. Mr. Adamek who is the main organiser of the Travel Awards scheme at Gybon will be very pleased to guide students too, as they organise their proposed trip to the UK.
The closing date for the competition is January 31st, so there is the opportunity during the Christmas holidays for students to start to prepare an entry for the competition.

Our panel of four judges here in Lytham are looking forward to receiving the entries and they will announce the winners early in March. The prize money is already safely in the Gybon bank and I look forward to attending the presentation of the prizes in May.
I am sure that we will again have some excellent entries and wish everyone good luck in preparing their ideas – you will need much determination to do this after a long and busy term at school, but I am sure that there will be many top class entries once again.

Škola je příspěvkovou organizací Královéhradeckého kraje Královéhradecký kraj

Mladá fronta včera - Školní bulvár

Všechna práva vyhrazena. Web vytvořil Dominik Žilka jako svoji maturitní práci v roce 2014.