Gymnázium Boženy Němcové

co je nového na Gybonu

Gymnázium Boženy Němcové > Angličtina > PRESENTATION  TO FORMER GYBON STUDENT JOHANA


Autor: admin | Publikováno 23. 9. 2024 000 13:47 | Kategorie: Angličtina

A special presentation of an engraved  silver plate has been  made to former Gybon student Johana Macková in appreciation of her strong support for the UK Travel competitions since 2011.

Johana was the winner of the first Travel Award at Gybon  in 2011. She travelled to Scotland to study at The Edinburgh School of English before making a solo 5 day walk along the West  Highland Way. This year she was one of the three judges for the 2024 competition

After leaving Gybon Johana was the first Czech girl to study at the University of the Highlands and Islands  in Fort William where she was awarded a First Class Degree in Adventure Performance and Coaching  in 2018. 

Johana  has been the British Ski-mountaineering champion in 2015 and Czech champion three times. In the summer for the past ten years she has taken the gold medal in ultra trail races in countries all over Europe, including the Trail del Rubicone in Italy and 10 km trails in England, Norway and Poland.

Julian Wilde, Chair of the Judges for the 2024 Travel Awards, said that Johana has always maintained a keen and close interest in  the competition.

“Johana is a distinguished  and individualistic former pupil of Gybon. Her First Class university degree and her sporting successes, summer and winter, are admirable. Her  outward-looking vision and experience made her an ideal judge this year.”

Johana ( known to all as Joží ) opened her own sports clothing shop, ‘Uphill’ in Trutnov last autumn and is always pleased to meet present and former Gybon students and their families at Uphill, chodská 584.


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